Mission & Outreach
“And if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday.” Isaiah 58:10
Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) is a Christian, non-profit organization committed to feeding God's children hungry in body and spirit. Volunteers hand-pack meals which are sent around the world for malnourished children. GSLC has participated as a partner church for over 10 years.
Days For Girls
GSLC has been involved in the nonprofit organization for over five years. Volunteers sew feminine hygiene kits for young girls in countries who would otherwise miss school during their monthly periods.
GSLC is responsible for managing and maintaining Matthew House, owned by EPH, which provides a home for a family experiencing homelessness. GSLC has sponsored Matthew House since 2014 and we have helped many families over the years.
During February and March, GSLC members donate hygiene products which are then donated to local crisis agencies, including the area shelters.
“Never stop doing little things for others. Sometimes those little things occupy the biggest part of their hearts.”
GSLC plans service projects for "God's Work, Our Hands," which is held in September after Sunday worship. Examples of projects have included: knitting prayer shawls, creating Days for Girls kits, baking dog treats for a local animal sanctuary, filling Handbags for Hope, tying fleece blankets for Project Linus and making meal kits for The Giving Tree. Members of all ages participate in these service projects, working together as teams and as "God's Hands."
Soup Sunday
Soup Sunday is held in January. Members donate quarts of homemade soup for others to purchase. Quarts are sold for $10 and the total is given to a local agency.
Our congregation has a heartfelt understanding of ministry beyond our church walls. We support a variety of local and global ministries. Good Shepherd members realize that our brothers and sisters are not just the people we meet everyday, but also people we may never meet.
Through the following ministries, we connect people with opportunities to serve just as Christ has called us to do.
Feed My Starving Children: www.fmsc.org
Ecumenical Partnership for Housing (EPH): https://ephgb.org
Soup Sale: proceeds donated to local charities
Help for the Homeless Hygiene Drive: www.919.thefamily.net (Sponsored by 91.9 FM The Family radio station) All donations stay local
The Giving Tree: local school supply drive
God’s Work Our Hands: www.elca.org>dayofservice
Days for Girls: www.daysforgirls.org
For more information: Diane Lenz, dianeandstevelenz@gmail.com