
“By first uniting us with Himself, Christ unites us with one another.”

We look for many ways to strengthen Christian fellowship and foster social interaction.


January usually finds us in the planning mode for the next few months…setting up supplies for each week we have the simple suppers during Lent.


Our team hosted many Fellowship hours on Sundays between services. There is a good feeling we get as we gather together…sharing not only food, but the time together. We provide many different events during the year that are specialized to the event. Budget meeting, annual meeting, Confirmation Sunday, Father’s Day, church picnic,  Meet the teams (recruitment of new members to join the teams). We also served the annual Palm Sunday Breakfast, simple suppers, Annual pie social after Thanksgiving service, and our Annual Bake Sale in mid December. We were able to raise between  $400 - $500 for The Giving Tree. 


***Thank You to all the members that helped our team throughout the year!***


We started cleaning the main kitchen starting in August and then again a month later, but didn’t have the best turnout for help…we’ll have to come up with a new strategy for 2024.

We close 2023  with good memories, but always wanting to do better! God willing we’ll see you again in 2024!


God’s blessings for the best 2024!


Submitted by: 

Cindy Gentz & Vicki Cherek


We joyfully are responsible for but not limited to:

For more information, please contact Cindy Gentz @ 920-366-9701