Two Opportunities to Support Our Youth
Donations for Future Events
If you have been looking for a way to support our youth we have several opportunities for you. With all ministry happening virtually we have had to come up with some unique ways to stay connected. This winter two of those ways are having youth building their own Cornucopia Baskets and decorating their own Christmas Tree. Each of these will require some supplies that you can donate. Please let Drew know what you would like to donate.
• 12 - $1.00 baskets from Dollar Tree (Need a total of 24 baskets)
• 12 Bags of Microwave Popcorn (need a total of 24)
• 12 - $1.00 Table Top Christmas Trees from Dollar Tree (Need a total of 24 trees)
• 5 Giant (7 oz) Hershey’s Bars (Need a total of 25)
• 1 Dozen Candy Canes (Need a total of 6 dozen)
This list is also available at where you can let us know what you will donate.
Will you Pray for Our Youth?
This fall the youth in our confirmation ministry sent letters of encouragement to each of the children in our Sunday school. The reception has been wonderful and many of our children have already written back to the youth. I’d like for our youth to feel the same encouragement and support they shared with our children. We are looking for 24 adults (any age is perfect) willing to pray each week for a youth.
Contact Drew for more information and to sign up.
Backyard Bible Studies 2020
At a recent Youth Backyard Bible Study, youth discovered how mercy is much more than just going easy on someone. Jesus displayed mercy through vulnerable inclusive love for everyone, and calls us to do the same.
Last week, the youth ended their study of Micah 6:8 by talking about humility. But not before an opportunity to cool off. Sometimes, you just need to throw water balloons at the youth director.
Did you know Good Shepherd has a disc golf course? Last week the inaugural round was played during Youth Backyard Bible Study.