Education & Youth

Education and Youth Team Responsibilities

The Education and Youth Team shall be comprised of one at-large member of the Congregation Council, the youth director, the Sunday school coordinator, and as many members of the congregation as the team chooses; consisting of both adults and youth members. (A separate Youth Team may be formed to plan, coordinate, and implement youth activities; that team would function as a subsidiary of the Education and Youth Team, with representation from the Youth Team serving on the Education and Youth Team.) Each year after a Congregation Council representative has been assigned, the team shall elect a chairperson and a recorder from its membership. The Congregation Council representative will report from the Congregation Council any action that this team needs to take, and report to the Congregation Council on behalf of this team. The team shall meet regularly – monthly meetings are suggested.

The responsibilities and duties of the Education and Youth Team include, but are not limited to:

1.    Plan and implement Christian education programming, including infant/preschool education, Sunday school, vacation bible school, post-confirmation youth education, and adult education

2.    Plan and implement a confirmation program in collaboration with the youth director and the pastor.

3.    Plan and implement communion instruction in collaboration with the pastor.

4.    Plan and conduct special events (Sunday school Christmas program, gifting of Bibles, welcome to Sunday school, rally day, etc.).

5.    Enlist, train, and supervise those who volunteer to serve as teachers and guides.

6.    Plan and implement activities for youth in collaboration with the youth director, such as those focused on fellowship, service, learning, and collaborating with youth from other congregations.

7.    Promote camping ministry opportunities offered through Crossways Camping Ministries.

8.    Plan and implement teacher and student recognition events.

9.    Prepare and submit a budget request to the Executive Committee for anticipated education and youth expenses annually.

10. Oversee disbursement of the annual Education and Youth Team budget.