Worship & Music
The Worship and Music Team is responsible for Good Shepherd’s Worship and Music Ministries. Below are descriptions of various opportunities.
Spirit Singers Vocal Choir
Sing praise to the Lord in multi-part harmony with your fellow vocalists! We practice on most Sundays at 10:30am and lead the congregation in a mix of contemporary song and traditional hymnody with our voices during select worship services throughout the year.
Leader Contact: Robbie Spofford.
Ringers Jubilate Bell Choir
Ring praise to the Lord in Good Shepherd's long-standing bell choir of over 40 years—now with more than three octaves of freshly tuned-up bells! We rehearse Monday evenings from 5:30pm to 6:30pm for monthly in-worship offerings, but we are always looking for short-term substitutes, in addition to long-term members.
Leader Contact: Corey Christenson.
Custom Music Offerings
Honk, Kazoo, Dance, Ring, Play, Sing, or make whatever joyful noise or movement unto the Lord that the Holy Spirit moves you to! Collaborative or solo offerings using personal or church-owned instruments and/or equipment are welcome. Have a favorite music piece but need help creating a more suitable arrangement for you? We can help!
Leader Contact: Robbie Spofford.
Liturgy & Music Selection Group
Have a favorite hymn or song you want incorporated in worship? Want to help with the organization of Worship & Music but are busy on "Team Nights?" Just want to learn more about how the liturgical and musical elements of worship are selected? Join us on select Sundays at 10:30am!
Leader Contact: Sue Larson.
Worship & Music Team
Have a suggestion, concern, or comment to share about our Worship & Music ministries? Join us on Good Shepherd "Team Nights" — the first Tuesday of each month from 6:30pm to 7:30pm! We plan the worship schedule and coordinate the volunteers, communication, and resources that help Good Shepherd's worship and music ministries flow.
Leader Contact: Sue Larson.
Read aloud the day’s reading in Worship.
Hand out bulletins, Direct congregation during communion, greet Parishioners as they come to Worship.
Assisting Ministers
Assist the Pastor in giving communion to the Congregation, read the Prayers and other elements of the service in Worship.
Lighting and extinguishing the alter candles, assisting in bringing forward the communion elements as well as the offering.
Worship Streamers
Run the cameras and set up the live Worship feed.
Worship Environmentalists
Decorating the Worship space: take down and set up of paraments and other decorations, move items from storage to Worship space for special services.
Communion set-up/clean-up providers
Prepare communion elements for Worship prior to service and clean communion supplies after services.
If you are interested in any of the above additional volunteer opportunities, please contact the church office or fill out the below form to be contacted. Training is available for all volunteers.
Worship Leader Handbooks
Sue Larson - Ministry Chair
Lois Appel
Richard Sachs
Amy Schroepfer - Member at Large
Pastor Jen - Pastor
Robbie Spofford - Music Director
Corey Christenson - Bell Choir Director
The Worship and Music Team shall be comprised of one at-large member of the Congregation Council, music coordinator, accompanist(s), bell choir director, and as many members of the congregation as the team chooses. Each year after a Congregation Council representative has been assigned, the team shall elect a chairperson and a recorder from its membership. The Congregation Council representative will report from the Congregation Council any action that this team needs to take, and report to the Congregation Council on behalf of this team. The team shall meet regularly – monthly meetings are suggested.
The responsibilities and duties of the Worship and Music Team include, but are not limited to:
1. Plan and provide for the congregation’s worship in collaboration with the music coordinator and the pastor.
2. Evaluate and recommend liturgies for ‘regular’ worship and those for special events.
3. Plan worship for special events such as Lent, Easter, Thanksgiving Eve, Advent, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Confirmation, First Communion, Baptisms, etc.
4. Establish standards, in collaboration with the pastor, for worship, funeral and wedding services, music, and musical or drama groups.
5. Promote the congregation’s music programs and provide opportunities for participation to all members of the congregation.
6. Enlist, train, and supervise those who volunteer to serve as worship leaders such as assisting ministers, lectors, communion set-up/clean-up providers, greeters, nursery care providers, ushers, and acolytes.
7. Seek opportunities in the community wherein the choir(s) can share their gifts through music ministry.
8. Prepare and submit a budget request to the Executive Committee for anticipated worship and music expenses annually.
9. Oversee disbursement of the annual Worship and Music Team budget.