Sunday School
Advent Wreath Project - Children's Sermon - 11/24/2019
Sunday School is offered for children in 4K through 6th grade, every Sunday morning during the academic year from 9:45am to 10:30am.
We utilize the Spark Sunday School program, which follows the same lectionary schedule that is utilized for worship.
Sunday School will start September 15th, at 9:45am.
Any questions regarding Sunday School, or to volunteer to help, contact: Hallie Langenhorst
Sunday School Registration Form and Letter to Parents 2024-2025
Sunday School Registration Form
Dear Families of 4k Students,
At the baptism of your child, you promised to bring them to the worship services at God’s house and to provide for their instruction in the Christian faith. Seeking to partner with you in these commitments, we wish to invite your child and you to join the Christian education ministry of the congregation. Your child is old enough to begin Sunday School this school year. The Sunday School year will kick off on Sunday, September 8th with an opportunity for kids and their parent's to participate in God's Work Our Hands Sunday following the 9am worship service.
The following Sunday we will continue the tradition at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church as we welcome all students into our Sunday School ministry. During worship on Sunday, September 15th, we will invite you and your child to come forward so that you can reaffirm the promises you made at their baptism and receive a Bible from Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.
Sunday School classes will also resume on Sunday the 15th. As you may have heard, the leadership of Good Shepherd has decided to move to one service on Sunday mornings during the academic year at 9:00am. The Sunday School students will be excused from worship after communion (around 9:45) to start Sunday School lessons and class will be done at 10:30am. There will be fellowship and/or education options for parents to participate in while their children are in Sunday School.
If you would like your child to participate in Sunday School please fill out the digital registration that can be found on the main Good Shepherd Lutheran Church website under the Ministries tab, then under Education & Youth, click the Sunday School tab or contact Hallie Langenhorst at for a link to the registration.
We look forward to partnering with you in the years ahead as your child continues in Sunday School classes, receives their Bible in third grade, participates in Holy Communion beginning as a fourth grader and receives instruction to affirm their Baptism on Confirmation Sunday.
God’s blessings to you and your child as your faith journeys continue.
The Worship and Education Teams
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church