The Property Committee shall be comprised of the congregation vice president, the property management coordinator, technology support representative, and as many members of the congregation as the committee chooses. Each year the committee shall elect a chairperson and a recorder from its membership. The vice president will report from the Congregation Council any action that this committee needs to take, and report to the Congregation Council on behalf of this committee. The committee shall meet regularly.
The responsibilities and duties of the Property Committee include, but are not limited to:
1. Establish, with Congregation Council approval, policies regarding building and grounds usage and decorating.
2. Prepare and follow a preventative maintenance schedule for the buildings and grounds.
3. Make regular inspection of the buildings and grounds and recommend needed repairs, replacement and improvements including space allocations and room layouts.
4. Establish, with Congregation Council approval, policies regarding procurement, usage, and disposal of church property and equipment.
5. Prepare and update annually an inventory of church property and equipment, indicating acquisition date and approximate value of each item, and project and recommend necessary repairs and replacement.
6. Carry out all resolutions of the Congregation Council and/or Congregation on purchases, repairs, and replacement of church property and equipment.
7. Review the property insurance coverage annually and make recommendations to the Congregation Council regarding any changes in coverage.
8. Determine needs and engage adequate custodial services, with Congregation Council approval. Meet periodically with the custodian to discuss care of buildings, special needs and problems relating to custodial services, remuneration, etc.
9. Negotiate contracts with vendors, for Congregation Council approval, for equipment maintenance (HVAC system, organ, office machines, etc.); building maintenance (roof repair, lighting/electrical, plumbing, etc.); grounds maintenance (snow removal, parking lots, turf/landscape maintenance, etc.); and other property management services (garbage and recyclables pick-up, sprinkler inspection, telephone/internet service, etc.).
10. Make and issue keys. Maintain a list of issued keys and review annually.
11. Monitor the buildings and grounds for hazards (fire, slip/fall, electrical, etc.).
12. Enlist and supervise work crews for building and grounds maintenance (lawn mowing, snow removal, special repairs, improvements, cleaning, painting, decorating, landscaping, etc.).
13. Prepare and submit a budget request to the Executive Committee for anticipated property expenses annually.
14. Oversee disbursement of the annual Property Committee budget.